Running ancIBD via bash

Here we describe how to run ancIBD using the two main command-line interfaces (ancIBD-run and ancIBD-summary). These are available since version 0.5, and are added automatically when installing the software package via pip.

Calling IBD

We showcase chromosome 20 as an example.

The test data used to run this tutorial can be downloaded here.

In addition to the imputed .vcf files, you need additionally three files, all of which are provided in the same Dropbox link as indicated above.

  • marker_path: Path of the 1240k SNPs to use (you can find those in ./filters/snps_bcftools_ch*.csv from the download link)

  • map_path: Path of the map file to use (eigenstrat .snp file, you can find it in ./afs/v51.1_1240k.snp from the download link)

  • af_path (optional): Path of allele frequencies to merge into hdf5 file (you can find it in ./afs/v51.1_1240k_AF_ch*.tsv from the download link. If not provided, allele frequencies calculated from samples themselves will be used)

The file path in the following tutorial assumes that the folder downloaded from the Dropbox link is in the same directory as this jupyter notebook. You will have to change the path to the above three files if needed.

# Modify file paths according to your own environment if needed
ancIBD-run --vcf ./data/vcf.raw/example_hazelton_chr20.vcf.gz \
--ch 20 --out test --marker_path ./data/filters/snps_bcftools_ch20.csv \
--map_path ./data/map/v51.1_1240k.snp \
--af_path ./data/afs/v51.1_1240k_AF_ch20.tsv \
--prefix example_hazelton
Print downsampling to 1240K...
Running bash command: 
bcftools view -Ov -o test/example_hazelton.ch20.1240k.vcf -T ./data/filters/snps_bcftools_ch20.csv -M2 -v snps ./data/vcf.raw/example_hazelton_chr20.vcf.gz
Finished BCF tools filtering to target markers.
Converting to HDF5...
Finished conversion to hdf5!
Merging in LD Map..
Lifting LD Map from eigenstrat to HDF5...
Loaded 28940 variants.
Loaded 6 individuals.
Loaded 30377 Chr.20 1240K SNPs.
Intersection 28827 out of 28940 HDF5 SNPs
Interpolating 113 variants.
Finished Chromosome 20.
Adding map to HDF5...
Intersection 28827 out of 28940 target HDF5 SNPs. 113 SNPs set to AF=0.5
Transformation complete! Find new hdf5 file at: test/example_hazelton.ch20.h5

If you use ancIBD on your own GLIMPSE-imputed dataset, we note that GLIMPSE output phased and imputed bcfs separately (in folder GLIMPSE/phased and GLIMIPSE/ligated, respectively). For ancIBD, however, the two bcfs need to be combined (and converted to vcf). You can use the following bash command to merge the phased and imputed bcfs.


If you already have the appropriate hdf5 file for your samples, you can also supply the command line with the hdf5 file directly. Make sure that the hdf5 file has the suffix “ch{chromosome number}.h5” (e.g. “test.ch20.h5”).

ancIBD-run --h5 ./test/example_hazelton.ch20.h5 --ch 20 \
--out test --marker_path ./data/filters/snps_bcftools_ch20.csv \
--map_path ./data/map/v51.1_1240k.snp \
--af_path ./data/afs/v51.1_1240k_AF_ch20.tsv \
--prefix example_hazelton

Now we can run a loop for all 22 autosomes. This takes about 6min.

for ch in {1..22};
    ancIBD-run --vcf $vcf_path \
        --ch $ch --out test --marker_path $marker_path \
        --map_path ./data/afs/v51.1_1240k.snp \
        --af_path $af_path \
        --prefix example_hazelton


For large sample sizes, we recommend that one runs multiple autosomes in parallel for speed-up (e.g., by submitting array jobs on a cluster, with each chromosome as one job).

Combine IBD over 22 autosomes and generate summary statistics

Now that we have individual IBD files for each of the autosomes, we can combine the information across chromosomes and obtain genome-wide summary statistics for all pairs of samples. Note that only pairs of samples that share at least one IBD passing the length cutoff are recorded).

ancIBD-summary --tsv test/ --out test/
Chromosome 1; Loaded 10 IBD
Chromosome 2; Loaded 9 IBD
Chromosome 3; Loaded 6 IBD
Chromosome 4; Loaded 9 IBD
Chromosome 5; Loaded 8 IBD
Chromosome 6; Loaded 7 IBD
Chromosome 7; Loaded 9 IBD
Chromosome 8; Loaded 7 IBD
Chromosome 9; Loaded 6 IBD
Chromosome 10; Loaded 7 IBD
Chromosome 11; Loaded 5 IBD
Chromosome 12; Loaded 5 IBD
Chromosome 13; Loaded 8 IBD
Chromosome 14; Loaded 6 IBD
Chromosome 15; Loaded 3 IBD
Chromosome 16; Loaded 6 IBD
Chromosome 17; Loaded 4 IBD
Chromosome 18; Loaded 5 IBD
Chromosome 19; Loaded 8 IBD
Chromosome 20; Loaded 6 IBD
Chromosome 21; Loaded 6 IBD
Chromosome 22; Loaded 6 IBD
Saved 146 IBD to test/ch_all.tsv.
> 8.0 cM: 146/146
Of these with suff. SNPs per cM> 220:               113/146
22    3
15    2
Name: ch, dtype: int64
Saved 9 individual IBD pairs to: test/ibd_ind.tsv

To view the complete options provided by the two command-line interfaces, you can use -h.

ancIBD-run -h
usage: ancIBD-run [-h] [--vcf VCF] [--h5 H5] --ch CH --marker_path MARKER_PATH
                  --map_path MAP_PATH [--af_path AF_PATH] [--out OUT]
                  [--prefix PREFIX] [--min MIN] [--iid IID] [--pair PAIR]

Run ancIBD.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --vcf VCF             path to the imputed vcf file
  --h5 H5               path to hdf5 file. If specified, ancIBD will skip the
                        vcf to hdf5 conversion step. Only one of --vcf and
                        --h5 should be specified.
  --ch CH               chromosome number (1-22).
  --marker_path MARKER_PATH
                        path to the marker file
  --map_path MAP_PATH   path to the map file
  --af_path AF_PATH     path to the allele frequency file (optional)
  --out OUT             output folder to store IBD results and the
                        intermediary .hdf5 file. If not specified, the results
                        will be stored in the same folder as the input vcf
  --prefix PREFIX       prefix of output file. If not specified, the prefix
                        will be the same as the input vcf
  --min MIN             minimum length of IBD segment in cM. Default is 8.
  --iid IID             A list of sample iids to run ancIBD on (each line
                        contains one sample IID). The sample list must match
                        the sample name in the provided vcf file. If
                        unspecified, ancIBD will run on all samples in the vcf
  --pair PAIR           A list of sample pairs to run ancIBD on (each line
                        contains two sample IIDs separated by a whitespace).
                        The sample list must match the sample name in the
                        provided vcf file, and, if --iid is specified, all
                        samples must also appear in the iid file. If
                        unspecified, ancIBD will run on all pairs of samples
                        in the vcf file
ancIBD-summary -h
usage: ancIBD-summary [-h] --tsv TSV [--ch CH] [--bin BIN] [--snp_cm SNP_CM]
                      [--out OUT]

Run ancIBD.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --tsv TSV        base path to the individual IBD files.
  --ch CH          chromosome number, expressed in the format chrom-chrom,
                   e.g, 1-22). The default is 1-22.
  --bin BIN        length bin over which IBD sharing summary statistics for
                   pairs of samples will be calculated. Default is 8,12,16,20.
  --snp_cm SNP_CM  minimum number of SNPs per centimorgan for a segment to be
                   considered. The default is 220 to reduce false positive
  --out OUT        output folder to store results. If not specified, the
                   results will be stored in the current directory.