
Module Contents


opp_homos(g1, g2)

Return opposing homozygotes

plot_hets([map_het, het, ax, het_c, c_roh, figsize, ...])

Plot Heterozygotes against genenetic map,

plot_opp_homos([path_h5, ch, iids, cutoff, output, ...])

Plot pairwise opp. homoyzgotes. Loads f5 data, and calls and plots opp. homos

plot_identical_gts([path_h5, ch, iids, df_ibd, ...])

Plot pairwise opp. homoyzgotes. Loads f5 data, and calls and plots opp. homos

ancIBD.plot.plot_opphomos.opp_homos(g1, g2)

Return opposing homozygotes

ancIBD.plot.plot_opphomos.plot_hets(map_het=[], het=[], ax=None, het_c='slateblue', c_roh='seagreen', figsize=(14, 2), cm_lim=[], ylim=[-0.1, 1.1], fs=12, alpha=0.3, ms=1, lw=12, title='', min_cm=0, xtickl=True, df_ibd=None, xlabel='centimorgan', ylabel=f'Opp. Homozygote (y/n)', plot=True, savepath='')

Plot Heterozygotes against genenetic map, plus ROH calls. lw: Linewidth of ROH

ancIBD.plot.plot_opphomos.plot_opp_homos(path_h5=f'/n/groups/reich/hringbauer/hapsburg_runs/data/data_eirini/h5/all_ch', ch=16, iids=['MYG001.A0101', 'MYG006.A0101'], cutoff=0.99, output=True, exact=True, cm_lim=[], ms=4, savepath='')

Plot pairwise opp. homoyzgotes. Loads f5 data, and calls and plots opp. homos

ancIBD.plot.plot_opphomos.plot_identical_gts(path_h5=f'/n/groups/reich/hringbauer/hapsburg_runs/data/data_eirini/h5/all_ch', ch=16, iids=['MYG001.A0101', 'MYG006.A0101'], df_ibd=None, cutoff=0.99, output=True, exact=True, cm_lim=[], ms=4, savepath='')

Plot pairwise opp. homoyzgotes. Loads f5 data, and calls and plots opp. homos